These Terms of Service apply to you as a visitor. As a visitor you have confirmed you have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions of these Terms of Service. PASTPAPERMCQs reserve the right to alter the terms at any time.
If you do not agree to any of these terms, you cannot use our services.
1.1. Your email address or any contact detail will not be shown, shared or sold to any third party.
1.2. As PASTPAPERMCQs is an option database site, so registering on this site is not mandatory.
2.1. PASTPAPERMCQs is strict regarding its Anti Spam policy.
2.2. Sending spam emails or posting irrelevant data is strictly prohibited.
2.3. Our users are our first priority. You must respect other users and our staff.
2.4. Any accusation without proof, intimidation, threat or disrespect against staff, here or elsewhere will be seen as disrespectful.
3.1. PASTPAPERMCQs is an open database site with a motto to help the students’ community by collecting and sharing multiple choice questions and answers.
3.2. PASTPAPERMCQs reserves the right to refuse, alter or remove any post submission from the site without any prior notice.
3.3. PASTPAPERMCQs does not guarantee the accuracy of the content. If the visitor thinks the answer to any of the question is wrong, the visitor can contact us.
3.4. After the submission of mcqs or any other data, the data will be the property of our site.
3.5. PASTPAPERMCQs reserve the right to suspend user account at any time for any valid reason including, but not limited to, the disrespect of our Terms of Service.
3.6. All the trademarks and company names published on this site are subject to their respected owners and companies.
3.7. As PASTPAPERMCQs respect the copyrights and intellectual property of others so we also expect the same from other users.
4.1. All the pages, data and graphics on the site are the property of PASTPAPERMCQs.
4.2. No data of PASTPAPERMCQs shall be reproduced or redistributed in any form without our permission.
4.3. Visitors are allowed to share our mcqs data on any social media with a link to PASTPAPERMCQs.
5.1. We will not be responsible for any consequences/damage that might occur due to the inclusion of incorrect information or data on site in any way.
5.2. PASTPAPERMCQs reserves the right to alter the Terms of Service at any time.